What You Should Know About Furnace Maintenance


At Champion Services, we understand how important it is to maintain your furnace. Furnace maintenance is the process of inspecting and servicing heating systems to keep them in good working order. Regular maintenance can help extend the life of your system, improve efficiency, and reduce the risk of costly repairs down the line. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the types of maintenance, the pros and cons of DIY vs professional maintenance, and safety tips for DIYers.

Types of Furnace Maintenance

Furnace maintenance is essential for the upkeep of your furnace, and there are various types of maintenance that you should be aware of. Knowing these different types of maintenance can help you decide whether to perform them yourself or hire a professional.

Filter Replacement

One of the most important types of furnace maintenance is filter replacement. The filter captures dirt, dust, and other particles from the air, preventing them from entering the furnace and clogging up the system. It’s important to replace your filter regularly, as a dirty filter will reduce air flow and cause your furnace to work harder than it needs to. Depending on the type of filter you have, you may need to replace it every few months or once a year.

Cleaning and Inspection

Cleaning and inspection are also important for keeping your furnace running efficiently. You should clean your furnace regularly to remove any dirt or debris that may have accumulated on the exterior. You should also inspect it for any signs of wear and tear, such as loose wires or frayed insulation, which can cause safety hazards if left unchecked.

Thermostat Calibration

Thermostat calibration is another type of furnace maintenance that should be done regularly. If your thermostat isn’t calibrated correctly, it can cause your furnace to run inefficiently or not at all. To ensure that your thermostat is working properly, you should check its accuracy with a thermometer and adjust it accordingly if necessary.

Replacement Parts

Finally, you may need to replace certain parts in your furnace from time to time if they become worn out or damaged. Common parts that may need to be replaced include filters, blower motors, igniters, and burners. If you notice any issues with these parts, it’s best to have them checked by a professional so they can determine if they need to be replaced or repaired.

Main Idea: Furnace maintenance is essential and there are various types, including filter replacement, cleaning and inspection, thermostat calibration, and replacement parts.

DIY vs Professional Maintenance

When it comes to furnace maintenance, homeowners are faced with the decision of whether to do it themselves or hire a professional. Both options have advantages and disadvantages, and the ultimate choice depends on the homeowner’s level of comfort and expertise.

DIY Advantages

The most obvious benefit of doing your own furnace maintenance is that it will save you money. If you have some basic knowledge and tools, you can easily replace air filters, clean the unit, and adjust thermostats without having to pay a professional. Additionally, if you are comfortable working on the unit yourself, you can save time by completing the task quickly rather than waiting for a technician to arrive.

Professional Advantages

On the other hand, hiring a professional has its own advantages. A technician can spot potential problems before they become serious and costly repairs, as well as diagnose any issues that may be present in the unit. Additionally, professionals have access to parts and tools that the average homeowner does not have access to, so they can often repair issues more quickly and efficiently than a DIYer could.

Cost Comparison

The cost of professional furnace maintenance varies depending on the type of service being performed and how extensive it is. Generally speaking, however, an inspection or tune-up will cost between $100-$200 for an average-sized unit. This cost is usually well worth it considering the potential savings from avoiding expensive repairs down the line. On the other hand, DIY costs are usually limited to the cost of replacement parts (if needed) and any tools or supplies that may be necessary for the job.

In conclusion, deciding between DIY furnace maintenance and hiring a professional depends on your own comfort level and expertise when it comes to working on your unit. While both options have their advantages, make sure you weigh all factors carefully before making your decision in order to get the best results for your home’s heating system.

DIY vs professional furnace maintenance: DIY saves money, but professional can spot potential problems; cost of professional maintenance varies.

Safety Tips for DIY Maintenance

Furnace maintenance is essential to ensure that your home is safe and comfortable. While it is possible to do some of the maintenance yourself, it is important to take safety precautions to avoid injury or damage. This section will cover safety tips for DIY furnace maintenance.

Disconnect Power Source

Before performing any type of maintenance on your furnace, make sure to turn off the power at the circuit breaker or switch box. This will prevent you from being electrocuted while working on the furnace. Additionally, it is important to make sure that the power is completely disconnected before performing any type of work on the system.

Wear Safety Equipment

When performing DIY furnace maintenance, it is important to wear the appropriate safety equipment. This includes safety goggles, gloves, and a dust mask to protect your eyes, hands, and lungs from debris or hazardous materials that may be present in your furnace system. Additionally, it is important to wear closed-toe shoes so that you do not injure your feet while working on the system.

Know Your Limits

When performing DIY furnace maintenance, it is important to know your own limits and capabilities. If you are unsure about how to perform a particular task or how to access a certain part of the system, it is best to seek professional help rather than attempting something you are not familiar with or qualified for. This will help prevent you from damaging the system or causing injury to yourself or others.

Take Precautionary Measures

In addition to wearing safety equipment and knowing your limits, it is also important to take other precautionary measures when performing DIY furnace maintenance. This includes making sure that there are no flammable materials in the vicinity of the furnace and ensuring that all electrical components are properly insulated and grounded before beginning any work on the system. Additionally, make sure that all tools are in good condition and appropriate for use with your system before beginning any work.

By following these safety tips for diy furnace maintenance, you can ensure that your home remains safe and comfortable while also avoiding injury or damage caused by improper maintenance techniques.

Safety TipDescription
Disconnect Power SourceTurn off power at circuit breaker or switch box.
Wear Safety EquipmentGoggles, gloves, dust mask, closed-toe shoes.
Know Your LimitsSeek professional help if unsure.
Take Precautionary MeasuresNo flammable materials nearby, properly insulated and grounded electrical components, tools in good condition.


regular furnace maintenance is essential for keeping your home comfortable and energy efficient. There are a variety of tasks that can be done to maintain your furnace, such as filter replacement, cleaning and inspection, thermostat calibration, and replacement parts. DIY maintenance is an option for those who want to save money, but professional maintenance is highly recommended for safety reasons and to ensure the job is done correctly. At Champion Services, we provide top-notch services at a fair and reasonable price point. Our team of experienced technicians will take care of all your HVAC needs. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and keep your furnace running smoothly!

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