Get Ready Now: Preparing Your Commercial HVAC System for Summer


At Champion Services, we understand how important it is to keep your commercial HVAC system running smoothly in the summer months. That’s why we want to share some tips with you about how to prepare your system now for the hot weather ahead. With proper preparation, you can ensure that your HVAC system will be up and running when you need it most.

Overview of why commercial HVAC systems need preparation for summer

As temperatures rise in the summer, it’s essential to have an efficient and reliable cooling system in place for your business. Without a properly functioning system, not only could your customers and employees be uncomfortable, but you could also face costly repairs or replacements if something goes wrong.

Benefits of preparing your system now

By taking the time to inspect and maintain your system now, you can save yourself time and money down the road. Not only will it help prevent breakdowns during peak usage times, but it can also help improve energy efficiency and reduce monthly utility costs.

Outline of blog post

In this blog post, we’ll cover how to assess your current system, clean the unit, update controls, and prepare staff for optimal performance during the summer months. By following these steps now, you can make sure that your commercial HVAC system is ready for whatever the hot weather brings!

Assess Your System

Preparing your commercial hvac system for summer is essential to ensure it runs efficiently and effectively during the warmest months of the year. Before you start cleaning or making any adjustments, it’s important to assess your system and identify any potential issues that need to be addressed. Here are some steps you should take when assessing your HVAC system:

Check Filters and Air Intakes

The first step in assessing your HVAC system is to check the filters and air intakes. Dirty filters can reduce airflow and cause the system to work harder than necessary, leading to increased energy costs. It’s important to replace or clean dirty filters regularly throughout the year, but especially before summer when the system is running more often. Additionally, check all air intakes for debris such as leaves, dirt, or twigs that may have accumulated over winter months.

Inspect Equipment for Damage and Wear

Next, inspect all equipment for signs of damage or wear. Look for cracks or tears in belts that may need replacing, as well as any loose wiring that needs tightening. If you notice any issues with the equipment, it’s best to call a professional technician who can make repairs safely and correctly.

Test Thermostat Accuracy

It’s also important to test your thermostat accuracy before summer arrives. An inaccurate thermostat can lead to inefficient cooling performance and higher energy bills. You can easily test the accuracy of your thermostat by comparing its readings with an external thermometer placed near the unit. If there is a discrepancy between the two readings, it’s time to replace your thermostat with a newer model that offers more accurate temperature control.

Review Refrigerant Levels

Your HVAC system relies on refrigerant to keep cool air flowing through your space during hot weather months. Low levels of refrigerant can significantly reduce cooling capacity and increase energy costs, so it’s important to review refrigerant levels before summer starts. If levels are low, contact a qualified technician who can recharge your system with fresh refrigerant safely and correctly.

Examine Ductwork for Leaks or Blockages

In addition to checking refrigerant levels, you should also examine ductwork for leaks or blockages that could be reducing airflow efficiency in certain areas of your building. Leaky ducts not only reduce cooling capacity but also allow conditioned air to escape into unconditioned spaces such as attics and crawlspaces which can increase energy costs significantly over time. A qualified technician should be able to identify any leaky ducts and make repairs as needed using proper tools and techniques for optimal results.

Consider Upgrading To A More Efficient System

If you find that your current hvac system isn’t meeting your needs in terms of efficiency or comfort level, now might be a good time to consider upgrading to a more efficient model before summer arrives. Newer systems offer improved energy efficiency ratings which can help you save money on energy bills while providing superior cooling performance throughout the hottest days of summer.

Schedule A Professional Inspection And Maintenance Tune-Up

Finally, scheduling a professional inspection and maintenance tune-up prior to summer is always recommended in order to ensure optimal performance from your commercial HVAC system throughout the season ahead. During this visit, a qualified technician will inspect all components of the system for signs of wear or damage as well as make any necessary adjustments or repairs in order keep things running smoothly until fall arrives again.

Preparing HVAC system for summer is essential to ensure efficiency and effectiveness. Key findings: Check filters, inspect equipment, test thermostat accuracy, review refrigerant levels, examine ductwork, upgrade to efficient system and schedule professional inspection & maintenance.

Clean the Unit

It is important to clean your commercial HVAC system before summer arrives, as a dirty unit can lead to inefficient operation and increased energy costs. Taking the time to clear away debris from around the unit and properly cleaning condenser coils, fan blades, and other components will help ensure that your system is running at peak performance when temperatures start to rise.

Clear Away Debris

The first step in preparing your commercial HVAC system for summer is to clear away any debris or obstructions that may have accumulated around the outside of the unit. Leaves, dirt, and other debris can block air intakes or cause problems with the internal workings of the system if not removed. Take care to remove any obstructions from around the unit and dispose of them properly.

Clean Components

Once all debris has been cleared away from around the unit, you should take care to clean the internal components of your commercial HVAC system. This includes condenser coils, fan blades, evaporator coils, and other parts that may have become clogged with dirt or dust over winter months. A brush or pressure washer can be used to remove this buildup and restore efficient operation. If necessary, you can also use a vacuum cleaner to remove any dirt or dust from evaporator coils.

Check Refrigerant Levels

In addition to cleaning components of your commercial HVAC system, it is important to check refrigerant levels before summer arrives. Low levels of refrigerant can reduce efficiency and cause additional strain on the system during hotter months. If levels are found to be low, contact a professional technician who can inspect for leaks and refill refrigerant levels as needed.

By taking these steps now, you can ensure that your commercial HVAC system is ready for summer weather when it arrives. Cleaning components and checking refrigerant levels will help maximize efficiency while minimizing energy costs throughout the warmer months ahead.

Clear Away DebrisRemove debris and obstructions from around the unit.
Clean ComponentsUse a brush, pressure washer, or vacuum cleaner to remove dirt and dust buildup.
Check Refrigerant LevelsInspect for leaks and refill refrigerant levels as needed.

Update Your Controls

Updating your controls is a key step in preparing your commercial HVAC system for summer. With the right settings, you can maximize efficiency while maintaining comfortable temperatures. Taking the time to check and adjust existing control settings now can help ensure your system is ready for the hot weather ahead.

Check Existing Settings

The first step is to check any existing control settings to make sure they are still appropriate for summer conditions. This includes checking the thermostat temperature set points and the operation of other components such as dampers, fans, and valves. If you have manual controls, consider upgrading to digital or programmable options as these can offer more precise control and energy savings potential.

Adjust Settings as Needed

Once you’ve checked existing settings, adjust them as needed to maximize efficiency while maintaining comfort levels. For example, if you have a programmable thermostat, set it to turn off when no one is in the building or during night hours when temperatures tend to be cooler outside. You may also want to consider adding digital controls or remote access for added convenience and energy savings potential.

Consider Advanced Options

If you’re looking for further energy savings opportunities, consider investing in advanced hvac control options such as occupancy sensors or demand-controlled ventilation systems that can automatically adjust temperatures based on usage patterns. These types of systems can help reduce energy costs while providing a more comfortable work environment for your employees.

In summary, taking the time now to update your commercial hvac controls can help ensure your system is ready for summer and running efficiently all season long. By making sure settings are up-to-date and investing in advanced options where possible, you can save money on energy costs while keeping employees comfortable throughout the hot summer months ahead.

Prepare Your Employees

It is important to ensure that your employees are aware of the proper use and maintenance of your commercial HVAC system in order to maximize efficiency and comfort during the summer months. Educate staff on how to adjust settings as needed and remind them to keep windows and doors closed when the system is running. Providing comfortable work attire options such as light clothing or fans can help reduce reliance on air conditioning, which can benefit both energy savings and employee comfort.

Educate Staff

Educating your staff on the proper use and maintenance of your commercial HVAC system is essential in order to maximize efficiency and comfort during the summer months. Make sure they understand how to adjust settings as needed, when to open or close windows and doors, and how their actions can affect energy consumption. This will help ensure that everyone is doing their part in keeping the system running efficiently.

Remind Them To Keep Windows And Doors Closed

Remind your staff that it is important to keep windows and doors closed when the HVAC system is running in order to maintain an optimal temperature inside the building. This will help prevent air from escaping, which will allow the system to run more efficiently while still providing a comfortable environment for everyone inside.

Provide Comfortable Work Attire Options

Providing comfortable work attire options such as light clothing or fans can help reduce reliance on air conditioning, which can benefit both energy savings and employee comfort. Encourage employees to wear breathable fabrics such as cotton or linen, which will help keep them cool without having to rely solely on air conditioning. Additionally, consider providing portable fans for those who need extra cooling relief throughout the day.


Summer is an important time for commercial HVAC systems. By taking the necessary steps to prepare now, businesses can ensure their system is running efficiently and reliably all season long. This includes assessing the system for any damage or wear, cleaning the unit, updating controls, and educating staff on proper use. Champion Services is here to help with all of your HVAC needs. Our experienced technicians are available 24/7 to assist with repairs, maintenance, new installations and replacements. Contact us today to get started!

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