Summer HVAC Maintenance in Ogden, UT

Maintaining a home’s heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system is essential for keeping it running efficiently and reliably. Regular maintenance can help ensure the system runs smoothly and keeps energy costs as low as possible. This article will provide an overview of five basic maintenance steps that homeowners can take to keep their HVAC systems in good condition. These steps include putting in a new air filter, clearing space around the outdoor unit, wiping down fans and vents, scheduling professional hvac maintenance, and more. By following these simple steps, homeowners can ensure their hvac systems remain efficient and reliable throughout the year.

Put in a New Air Filter

Replacing your air filter is one of the easiest and most important ways to maintain your HVAC system. A dirty or clogged filter can reduce airflow, increase energy costs, and lead to system failure. To keep your system running efficiently, it is recommended that you change the air filter every 1-3 months.

Steps to Replace an Air Filter

The steps for replacing an air filter are fairly simple. First, locate the air handler unit inside your home. This is usually located in a closet or basement near the furnace or blower. Once you have located it, open the access panel and inspect the existing filter. If it looks dirty or clogged, it’s time to replace it with a new one.

Next, measure the size of the old filter and purchase a replacement with the same measurements. Make sure to buy one that is designed for your specific hvac system as some systems require special filters. Once you have purchased a new filter, insert it into the air handler unit by sliding it into place.

Finally, close up the access panel and turn on your HVAC system to make sure everything is working properly. It’s also important to note that some filters may need to be changed more often than others depending on factors such as pet hair or smoke in your home.

Benefits of Replacing Your Air Filter

Replacing an air filter regularly can provide many benefits for both you and your HVAC system. By doing so you will be able to enjoy improved indoor air quality since pollutants and allergens will be filtered out before entering your home. Additionally, replacing an air filter can help extend the life of your HVAC system by reducing strain on its components due to increased airflow and preventing dust buildup inside its ductwork.

Replacing air filter regularly improves indoor air quality and extends life of HVAC system.

Clear Space Around the Outdoor Unit

The outdoor unit of your HVAC system is essential to its functioning. This is where the air is cooled or heated before it enters your home. To ensure optimal performance, you should take steps to clear space around the outdoor unit.

Remove Debris

When clearing space around the outdoor unit, start by removing any debris that has accumulated in the area. This includes leaves, grass clippings, sticks and other items. Clear away all debris from around the unit and at least two feet in each direction. This will help ensure there is enough airflow for proper cooling or heating of the air.

Trim Back Plants

Next, check for any nearby plants or bushes that may be blocking airflow to the outdoor unit. Trim back any branches or foliage that are within two feet of the unit so that warm air can escape freely. If necessary, move some plants farther away from the unit to ensure they are not impeding its function.

Keep Unit Free From Obstructions

Finally, make sure nothing else is blocking airflow to or from the outdoor unit. This could include large rocks, furniture, toys and other items that could prevent air from circulating properly through your HVAC system. Move any obstructions away from the outdoor unit so that it can operate efficiently and effectively cool or heat your home.

By taking these simple steps to clear space around your outdoor unit, you can help keep your HVAC system running smoothly and efficiently throughout the year.

Remove Debris
Clear away all debris from around the unit and at least two feet in each direction.
Trim Back Plants
Trim back any branches or foliage that are within two feet of the unit so that warm air can escape freely. If necessary, move some plants farther away from the unit to ensure they are not impeding its function.
Keep Unit Free From Obstructions
Move any obstructions away from the outdoor unit so that it can operate efficiently and effectively cool or heat your home.

Wipe Down Fans and Vents

It is essential to clean the fans and vents of your HVAC system regularly in order to keep it running efficiently. This helps to reduce the amount of dust, dirt, and debris that can build up in your system. To begin cleaning the fans and vents, start by turning off the power to the hvac unit. Once the power is off, use a vacuum cleaner with an appropriate brush attachment to remove any dust or debris from the fan blades and vent covers.

Once all of the dust and debris has been removed, take a damp cloth or sponge and wipe down each fan blade and vent cover. Make sure to get into all of the crevices and corners of each component so that all of the dirt is removed. When finished wiping down each component, dry them off with a clean cloth or towel.

Next, inspect each fan blade for any signs of damage or wear-and-tear. If there are any cracks in the blades or other signs of damage, it may be necessary to replace them so that they can continue to operate properly. Additionally, if there are any loose screws on the fan blades or vent covers, tighten them up so they don’t become further damaged over time.

Finally, once everything has been cleaned and checked for damage, turn the power back on to your HVAC system so you can test it out before continuing on with other maintenance tasks. By regularly cleaning your fans and vents as part of your regular hvac maintenance routine, you will ensure that your system continues to run smoothly year-round.

Cleaning fans and vents is an essential part of regular hvac maintenance to ensure efficient operation. Power must be turned off, use a vacuum cleaner with brush attachment to remove dust/debris, wipe down components with damp cloth/sponge, check for damage/wear-and-tear, tighten any loose screws.

Schedule Professional HVAC Maintenance

Regular professional maintenance for your HVAC system is essential for keeping it running efficiently and preventing costly problems. Scheduling regular maintenance visits can help you save money in the long run, as well as ensuring that your heating and cooling system continues to work properly.

Choose a Qualified Technician

When selecting an HVAC technician, it is important to do your research. Ask friends and family members for recommendations or check online reviews. When you find a technician who meets your needs, make sure they are qualified and have the proper licenses and certifications. You can also ask them about their experience with similar systems to yours to ensure they are familiar with the type of equipment you have.

Check Your Warranty

Before scheduling professional maintenance, check your warranty to see if any of the services are covered. Many manufacturers require that you use a certified technician in order for the warranty to remain valid, so be sure to ask about this when selecting a technician.

Understand What’s Included

When scheduling professional maintenance, make sure you understand what services will be provided during the visit. Most technicians will inspect all components of your system, including the air filter, blower fan, thermostat, condensate drain line, and ductwork. They may also lubricate moving parts and check refrigerant levels as part of their service.

Schedule Regular Visits

It is important to schedule regular visits from a qualified technician in order to keep your system running efficiently and prevent any potential problems from arising. Depending on the type of system you have and how often it is used, most technicians recommend having regular maintenance visits at least once per year. This ensures that any minor issues are caught before they become major problems which could result in costly repairs or even complete replacement of your HVAC system.

Follow-Up After Service

After each professional maintenance visit, make sure to take note of any recommendations made by the technician and follow-up on any needed repairs or adjustments as soon as possible. Doing this will help keep your system running smoothly and efficiently for years to come.


Overall, keeping your HVAC system in optimal condition is essential for keeping comfortable in your home and office. There are some simple maintenance steps you can take on your own, such as changing the air filter, wiping down fans and vents, and clearing any debris around the outdoor unit. However, it’s also important to have a professional hvac technician come out regularly to inspect and service your system. This will help ensure that everything is running properly and that any potential issues can be caught before they become serious problems. With regular maintenance, you can keep your HVAC system running smoothly all year round.

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