Don’t Ignore These Red Flags: A Guide to Identifying a Broken Sewer Main Line


At Champion Services, we understand the importance of identifying a broken sewer main line as soon as possible. Sewer main lines are the pipes that transport wastewater from your home to the municipal sewer system or a septic tank. When these pipes become damaged, it can lead to serious health and safety issues, costly repairs, and extensive property damage. That’s why it’s essential to recognize the signs of a broken sewer main line and take action immediately.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss what a sewer main line is, common causes of its failure, signs that you have a broken sewer main line, how to diagnose and repair it, and more. We hope this guide will help you identify any potential problems with your sewer main line before they become too severe. So let’s get started!

Causes of a Broken Sewer Main Line

When it comes to identifying and repairing a broken sewer main line, understanding the causes is key. Knowing what could have caused the pipe to break can help you determine what type of repair is needed and how best to prevent similar issues in the future. Some common causes of a broken sewer main line include:

Poorly maintained pipes

Pipes that are not regularly inspected and maintained can be more prone to breaking due to corrosion from age or cracking from debris buildup. In addition, sediment and mineral deposits can build up on the inside walls of pipes over time, further weakening them and making them more vulnerable to damage. If you have an older home with aging pipes, regular inspections and maintenance can help reduce the risk of a broken sewer main line.

Tree roots in pipes

If you have trees near your home, their roots can grow into your sewer lines and cause cracks or breaks in the pipe over time. Tree roots are drawn to moisture in the soil, so if there is a breach in your sewer line they will be able to find it and begin growing into the pipe itself. The roots can then grow larger over time, causing further damage and creating blockages that can lead to backups in your home’s plumbing system.

Ground shifting or settling

Ground shifting or settling can cause cracks or breaks in a sewer main line due to changes in pressure on the pipe itself. If there has been any recent construction near your home, this could potentially cause changes in soil pressure that lead to damage in your sewer line. Additionally, if you live in an area with extreme weather conditions such as heavy rains or flooding, this could also potentially cause ground shifting or settling that leads to a broken sewer main line.

Improper installation

If your sewer main line was installed incorrectly, this could lead to premature wear-and-tear on the pipe itself as well as potential leaks or breaks down the road. Poorly installed pipes may not be properly sealed at connections which can allow water leakage or infiltration of tree roots into the pipe over time. Additionally, improper installation may also lead to inadequate support for long runs of pipe which can result in sagging sections that are more prone to cracking or breaking due to excessive weight on them over time.

Corrosion from age

As pipes age they become more susceptible to corrosion which can weaken them and make them more prone to cracking or breaking under pressure from water flowing through them or ground shifts/settling around them. Corrosion occurs when metal reacts with oxygen present in water passing through it as well as other chemicals such as acids found naturally occurring underground which corrode metal piping materials over time leading to weakened sections that are more likely to break under stress from water pressure or other environmental factors such as ground movement mentioned above.

Cracks or breaks due to freezing temperatures

In areas where temperatures drop below freezing during winter months, this creates an increased risk for cracks or breaks forming in pipes due to expansion and contraction caused by fluctuating temperatures throughout the year. When temperatures drop below freezing for extended periods of time, water inside pipes will freeze causing them expand significantly resulting in cracks forming along weak points such as joints between two pieces of pipe material connected together at an angle (i.e., 90 degree elbow). Once these cracks form they will eventually lead to full-on breaks if not addressed quickly enough before additional freezing temperatures occur again later on down the road during winter months each year going forward until repairs are made accordingly.

Clogs and blockages from debris buildup

Clogs and blockages caused by debris buildup inside pipes are another common cause of a broken sewer main line since they restrict flow through the pipe which increases pressure on weak points leading eventually towards eventual breakage if left unchecked for too long.

Chemical reactions in pipes

Chemical reactions occurring between different substances within sewage lines (such as bleach) can also weaken their structural integrity leading towards eventual breakage if left unchecked for too long.

Cause of broken sewer Main LineDescription
Poorly maintained pipesPipes that are not regularly inspected and maintained can be more prone to breaking due to corrosion from age or cracking from debris buildup.
Tree roots in pipesTree roots can grow into sewer lines and cause cracks or breaks in the pipe over time.
Ground shifting or settlingChanges in soil pressure caused by construction or extreme weather conditions can lead to damage in your sewer line.
Improper installationPoorly installed pipes may not be properly sealed at connections which can allow water leakage or infiltration of tree roots.
Corrosion from ageAs pipes age they become more susceptible to corrosion which can weaken them and make them more vulnerable to damage.
Cracks or breaks due to freezing temperaturesExpansion and contraction caused by fluctuating temperatures can lead to cracks forming along weak points such as joints between two pieces of pipe material.
Clogs and blockages from debris buildupClogs and blockages caused by debris buildup inside pipes restrict flow through the pipe, increasing pressure on weak points leading eventually towards eventual breakage.
Chemical reactions in pipesChemical reactions occurring between different substances within sewage lines (such as bleach) can also weaken their structural integrity leading towards eventual breakage.

Signs That You Have a Broken Sewer Main Line

A broken sewer main line can cause a wide range of problems for homeowners, from foul odors and gurgling noises coming from their drains to sewage backing up into their homes. It is important to be able to identify the signs of a broken sewer main line so that it can be repaired as soon as possible. Here are some common signs that you might have a broken sewer main line:

Foul Odors Coming From Drains

One of the most common signs that you may have a broken sewer main line is an unpleasant odor coming from your drains. This smell is usually caused by sewage or wastewater leaking out of the pipe and into your home. If you notice this smell, it is important to contact a professional plumber right away so they can diagnose and repair the problem.

Gurgling Noises Coming From Drains

Another sign that you may have a broken sewer main line is gurgling noises coming from your drains. This noise is usually caused by air bubbles forming in the pipes due to an obstruction or blockage in the line. If you hear these noises, it may be time to call in a professional plumber for an inspection and repair.

Slow Draining Sinks, Showers, and Toilets

If your sinks, showers, and toilets are draining slowly or not at all, this could be another sign that you have a broken sewer main line. This issue could be caused by debris buildup in the pipes or even tree roots growing into the lines. A professional plumber will be able to inspect the pipes and determine what is causing the issue so it can be fixed quickly and efficiently.

Water Pooling in Your Yard

If you notice water pooling in your yard, especially near where your sewer main line runs through, this could indicate that there is a break or crack somewhere in the pipe. This water could also contain sewage or other contaminants, so it’s important to contact a professional plumber right away if you suspect this issue.

Sewage Backing Up Into Your Home

The most serious sign that you may have a broken sewer main line is sewage backing up into your home. This could happen due to blockages or breaks in the pipe, which would allow wastewater to flow back into your home instead of out through the city sewers. If this happens, it’s important to contact a professional plumber immediately so they can diagnose and repair the problem before any further damage occurs.

In conclusion, if you notice any of these signs that indicate you may have a broken sewer main line, it’s important to contact a professional plumber right away so they can diagnose and repair the issue before any further damage occurs. Don’t ignore these red flags – take action now!

Identify signs of broken sewer main line and contact a professional plumber for diagnosis and repair.

How to Diagnose and Repair a Broken Sewer Main Line

Identifying and repairing a broken sewer main line is an important task that should not be ignored. If left untreated, it can lead to costly damage and health hazards. In this section, we will discuss the steps necessary for diagnosing and repairing a broken sewer main line.

Hiring a Professional Plumber for Diagnosis and Repair

The first step in diagnosing and repairing a broken sewer main line is to hire a professional plumber. A qualified plumber will have the experience and knowledge necessary to accurately diagnose the problem and provide the best solution. They will also be able to advise you on any additional repairs or maintenance that may be needed.

When hiring a professional plumber, it is important to ensure they are licensed, bonded, and insured. This will protect you from any potential liability issues if something goes wrong during the repair process. Additionally, make sure to ask for references from previous customers so you can get an idea of their work quality before making your decision.

Using Camera Inspections to Locate the Break

Once you have hired a professional plumber, they will use camera inspections to locate the break in your sewer main line. This process involves using specialized cameras that are inserted into the pipe system in order to identify any breaks or blockages that may be present. The camera inspection will allow them to pinpoint the exact location of the break so they can begin repairs as soon as possible.

Excavating the Pipe to Access the Break

Once the plumber has identified where the break is located, they will need to excavate the pipe in order to access it for repairs. This involves digging up part of your yard in order to expose the pipe so it can be worked on properly. Depending on how deep your pipes are buried, this could take several hours or even days depending on soil conditions and other factors.

Replacing or Repairing Broken Sections of Pipe

Once excavation is complete, your plumber will then assess whether replacing or repairing broken sections of pipe is necessary in order to fix your broken sewer main line issue completely. If replacement is needed, they will remove any damaged sections of pipe and replace them with new ones made out of durable materials such as PVC or ABS plastic piping which are designed specifically for underground use in plumbing systems like yours. If only repairs are needed, they may use epoxy resin sealants or patch kits which can help fill small cracks or breaks without needing full replacements done on larger sections of pipe.

Once all repairs have been completed successfully, your plumber can then re-bury the pipes back into their original position and cover them with dirt once again before restoring power back into your home’s water supply system if necessary (depending on what type of plumbing system you have).

After everything has been fixed properly, it’s important that you keep an eye out for any signs that could indicate another break down the road such as foul odors coming from drains or gurgling noises coming from drains which could suggest another blockage further down in your plumbing system somewhere else in your home or yard area that needs attention sooner rather than later.

By following these steps carefully and hiring a professional plumber who is experienced with diagnosing and repairing broken sewer main lines, you should be able to save yourself time, money, and hassle when it comes time for fixing these types of problems in your home.


At Champion Services, we understand the importance of identifying and repairing broken sewer main lines. We want to make sure that our customers are well informed and aware of the signs of a broken sewer main line so that they can identify it early and avoid costly repairs.

Summary of blog post

In this blog post, we discussed what a sewer main line is, why it’s important to identify a broken one, and the causes and signs of a broken sewer main line. We then went over how to diagnose and repair a broken sewer main line by hiring a professional plumber, using camera inspections, excavating the pipe, and replacing or repairing any broken sections.

Reminder of importance of identifying and repairing broken sewer main lines

It’s important to be proactive when it comes to identifying a broken sewer main line. If you notice any signs or symptoms that could be indicative of an issue with your plumbing system, contact a professional plumber right away for help diagnosing and repairing the problem before it becomes more serious.

At champion services, we offer reliable plumbing services at fair prices for all your needs! Our experienced technicians are available 24/7 to assist with diagnosis and repair services for any plumbing issues you may have. Contact us today for more information about our services!

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