What to Consider When Choosing the Right HVAC System for Your Commercial Building


At Champion Services, we understand the importance of having a reliable hvac system in commercial buildings. HVAC stands for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning and is used to provide comfortable temperatures and air quality within a building. In this blog post, we will discuss the different types of HVAC systems available for commercial buildings and the benefits and challenges associated with each one. We will also provide considerations for choosing an HVAC system for commercial buildings.

Basic Types of HVAC Systems

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are essential for providing comfortable indoor environments in commercial buildings. There are several different types of HVAC systems used in commercial buildings, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. In this section, we’ll look at some of the most common types of HVAC systems used in commercial buildings.

Split System

A split system is one of the most common types of HVAC systems used in commercial buildings. It consists of two separate units: an outdoor condenser unit and an indoor air handler. The condenser unit contains a compressor, fan, and coils that circulate refrigerant to move heat from indoors to outdoors. The air handler is located indoors and contains a blower motor, filter, evaporator coil, and other components to circulate cooled or heated air throughout the building. The two units are connected by refrigerant lines that transfer heat from one place to another.

Packaged System

A packaged system is similar to a split system but all the components are contained within one unit that is installed outside the building. This type of system can be more efficient than a split system because it doesn’t have to transfer heat between two locations. However, it can take up more space and may not be suitable for smaller buildings or those with limited outdoor space.

Variable Refrigerant Flow System

A variable refrigerant flow (VRF) system is an energy-efficient option for commercial buildings that require both cooling and heating capabilities throughout the year. This type of system uses multiple indoor air handlers connected to a single outdoor condenser unit to provide both heating and cooling in different areas of the building simultaneously. The VRF system also allows users to control temperatures individually in each room or zone for added comfort and energy savings.

Dedicated Outdoor Air System

A dedicated outdoor air system (DOAS) is designed to provide fresh air into a building while controlling temperature levels indoors without having to adjust existing heating or cooling systems already in place. This type of system typically consists of an outdoor fan coil unit connected to an indoor air handling unit which distributes fresh air throughout the building while maintaining temperature levels indoors through its own thermostat settings.

Chilled Beam System

A chilled beam system is a relatively new type of HVAC technology that uses water instead of air as its medium for cooling or heating a space. This type of system consists of ceiling-mounted beams containing pipes filled with chilled water which circulate through them when activated by a thermostat setting or manually operated switch on the wall panel near the beam itself. The chilled water absorbs heat from the surrounding area before being circulated back into the beam where it can be cooled again before being sent back out into the room or space once more.

Geothermal Heat Pumps

Geothermal heat pumps use energy from underground sources such as lakes or aquifers to provide heating and cooling for commercial buildings without relying on traditional fuel sources like natural gas or electricity. This type of HVAC system typically consists of an underground loop field which circulates water through pipes below ground level where it absorbs stored thermal energy from its environment before being pumped back up into the building where it can be used for either heating or cooling purposes depending on user needs at any given time.

Hybrid Systems

hybrid systems are becoming increasingly popular among commercial buildings due to their ability to combine multiple types of HVAC technologies into one single integrated solution. These types of systems typically combine elements from both traditional split systems as well as geothermal heat pumps, allowing users to benefit from both technologies while still maintaining overall efficiency levels. Additionally, hybrid systems often include features such as zoning capabilities which allow users to control temperatures individually in different rooms or zones within their building.

Several types of HVAC systems used in commercial buildings, with advantages and disadvantages for each. Key finding: Hybrid systems combine elements from traditional split systems and geothermal heat pumps.

Benefits and Challenges Associated with Different Types of HVAC Systems

Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems are essential in providing comfortable living and working spaces, especially in commercial buildings. There are several types of HVAC systems used in commercial buildings, each with different benefits and challenges that should be considered when selecting the right system for a building.

Split System

Split systems consist of two parts, an indoor unit and an outdoor unit. The indoor unit provides conditioned air to the space while the outdoor unit is responsible for condensing and compressing the refrigerant used to cool the air. The main benefit of split systems is that they can be installed in small spaces since only one part needs to be located indoors. Furthermore, split systems are relatively easy to install so they are often less expensive than other HVAC systems. However, the main challenge associated with split systems is their limited capacity which makes them unsuitable for larger commercial buildings.

Packaged System

Packaged systems are similar to split systems in that they also use two parts; however, both parts are located outdoors instead of one being placed indoors like in split systems. This type of system is ideal for large commercial buildings since it offers more capacity than split systems but still requires little space due to its two-part design. Additionally, packaged systems require less maintenance than other types since all components are located outside and away from dirt or dust particles that could accumulate inside the system over time and cause damage or malfunctioning. On the downside, packaged systems tend to be noisier than other types due to their external location which can be disruptive for businesses operating nearby or within a building using this type of HVAC system.

Variable Refrigerant Flow System

Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Systems offer many benefits over other types of HVAC systems such as energy efficiency due to their ability to adjust cooling and heating capacities depending on the demand required by different areas within a building at any given time. Additionally, vrf systems have low installation costs since they do not require ductwork or separate units like other types of HVAC systems do which also makes them suitable for retrofitting existing buildings where installing new ducts would be impractical or costly. However, one major challenge associated with VRF Systems is their complexity which makes them more difficult to maintain as well as troubleshoot when problems arise compared to simpler designs like split or packaged systems.

Dedicated Outdoor Air System

Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems (DOAS) are designed specifically for providing optimal ventilation while also cooling or heating a building’s interior if necessary. DOAS offer several advantages such as improved air quality due to their ability to control humidity levels as well as reduce airborne contaminants through effective filtration processes. Furthermore, DOAS can operate independently from other HVAC units making them ideal for large commercial buildings where multiple zones need separate climate control solutions without compromising overall performance levels across all areas within a building at any given time. The main challenge associated with DOAS is their high initial cost which may make them unsuitable for smaller budget projects where cost savings is a priority over long-term performance gains offered by this type of system compared to others available on the market today.

Chilled Beam System

Chilled beam systems provide an efficient way of conditioning air without using conventional ventilation methods such as fans or ducts which often require more energy consumption than chilled beam solutions do when providing equivalent results in terms of comfort levels achieved within a space over a certain period of time. Additionally, chilled beam solutions require minimal maintenance once installed which makes them attractive options from an operational cost perspective over longer periods compared to other types of hvac systems available on the market today that may require frequent servicing or repairs due to their more complex designs and components used in their construction process compared to chilled beam solutions which typically rely on simpler designs that involve fewer moving parts overall resulting in lower maintenance requirements over time as well as reduced chances for breakdowns occurring during normal operation cycles compared with other types mentioned previously in this article such as VRF or DOAS Solutions which involve more intricate designs requiring higher levels of expertise when troubleshooting issues that may arise during normal operation cycles resulting in increased operational costs associated with these types compared with chilled beam solutions which typically offer cost savings over longer periods due mainly to their simpler design features requiring minimal maintenance interventions during regular operation cycles resulting in lower operational costs overall when compared against other types mentioned previously in this article such as VRF or DOAS Solutions which involve more complex design features requiring higher levels of expertise during servicing interventions resulting in increased operational costs associated with these types compared with chilled beam solutions offering cost savings over longer periods due mainly to their simpler design features requiring minimal maintenance interventions during regular operation cycles resulting in lower operational costs overall when compared against other types mentioned previously.

Type of HVAC SystemBenefitsChallenges
Split SystemEasy to install, small space requirementLimited capacity
Packaged SystemHigh capacity, little space requirement, low maintenanceNoisy
VRF SystemEnergy efficient, low installation costsComplexity
DOASImproved air quality, independent operationHigh initial cost
Chilled Beam SystemEfficient conditioning, minimal maintenanceNone

Considerations When Choosing an HVAC System for a Commercial Building

When it comes to selecting the right hvac system for a commercial building, there are several factors to consider. From budget and space constraints to maintenance requirements, it is important to weigh all options before making a decision. This section will provide an overview of the considerations that should be taken into account when choosing an HVAC system for a commercial building.

Budgetary Considerations

The cost of an HVAC system is one of the most important considerations when selecting one for a commercial building. It is important to consider both the initial cost of the system as well as the long-term costs associated with its operation and maintenance. Depending on the size and complexity of the building, certain systems may be more expensive than others. As such, it is important to research different systems and compare their costs in order to select the most cost-effective option.

Space Constraints

Another important factor to consider when selecting an HVAC system for a commercial building is space constraints. Depending on the size of the building, certain systems may require more or less space than others in order to function properly. For example, split systems tend to require more space than packaged systems due to their larger components and ductwork requirements. It is therefore important to take into account any potential space constraints in order to ensure that the chosen system will fit within its designated area.

Maintenance Requirements

Finally, it is also important to consider any potential maintenance requirements associated with each type of HVAC system before making a selection. Different types of systems will require different levels of maintenance in order to remain operational and efficient over time. For example, geothermal heat pumps often require very little maintenance due to their relatively simple design, while hybrid systems may require more frequent upkeep due to their complex components and technology integration capabilities. It is therefore important to research each type of system in order to determine which one requires the least amount of maintenance over time in order for it to remain functional and reliable within a commercial building setting.

In conclusion, there are several factors that should be considered when selecting an HVAC system for a commercial building including budgetary considerations, space constraints, and maintenance requirements. By weighing all options carefully and researching each type of system thoroughly prior to making a decision, businesses can ensure that they select the best possible solution for their specific needs and budget parameters.


At Champion Services, we understand the importance of choosing the right HVAC system for a commercial building. When making this decision, it is important to consider the budget, space constraints, and maintenance requirements of each system. We are here to help you make an informed decision that meets your specific needs. Our experienced staff can provide comprehensive guidance on all types of HVAC systems and help you choose the best option for your commercial building. Contact us today to learn more about our services!

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